Manifesting 101

News paper headline  that says Local Woman Stops Talking Shit About Herself & Life Does a 180 on a light purple background

I was chatting with one of our OGs about Grandma Rosie's diabetes inducing cream cheese candy recipe yesterday and it sparked a memory of what she ALWAYS used to day (Rose, not the OG)


“I'm not a rich woman!!” 


Over and over and over and OVER. She almost wore it like a badge of honor.


And you know what, she wasn't. How many blessings did she block because she could never stop talking about how little she had, how little she ever expected to have?


Rose was a committed glass half empty kinda gal. She found fault with almost everything and everyone. She had a huge family and tons of connections but was never able to enjoy that fully - the woman got voted off her position as chair of the Happy Flowers committee at the hospital for crap sake! HAPPY FLOWERS!!


The point of all this is not to throw my beloved judgey, cranky Grandma under the bus…it's to point out that our words MATTER. Especially the words we say to ourselves. 

What have you been speaking into existence? What stories have you put on repeat without even thinking about it? What could you say instead? Some sugar free food for thought :)

Of course there’s LOTS more to manifesting the life of your dreams than this (stay tuned!) but it’s a huge first step.

As always, calling myself out on my own shit right along with you.  

Sending you all the boss ass bitch energy you can handle babe, 


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