Good Morning Sunshine!

Gonna be honest and reveal that I've never been a fan of a most “Get your day off to the most kick ass start EVER with these 84 simple steps that you’ll want to make a non-negotiable EVERY MORNING or you're failing at life” lists. You know the ones. Float out of bed, MAKE the bed, do a 14 step skincare routine, whip up a 45 ingredient smoothie, call your 12 closest friends and tell them personally how grateful you are for them, get in a full workout, a quick sauna, and wrap it all up with a deep meditation to put you in the right frame of mind to slay your day.


BITCH, IT’S THE NEXT DAY BY THE TIME YOU FINISH IT ALL! Really, who has time for that??


Mine is much more simplified and you can totally use any or all of it for yourself if you want. 


1- Drink a big ass glass of water BEFORE any caffeine. Give beautiful, capable, hydrated you a head start!


2- Take a 5 minute walk sans sunglasses to get sun molecules in your eyes to help get your blood flowing and help set your circadian rhythm to get a head start at sleeping better that night. If you want to read the whys and a more scienc-ey version of this check out what Andrew Huberman has to say here


3- Do a SHORT gratitude practice. I simply write down 10 things I'm grateful for and take a moment as I jot each one down to really FEEL as much gratitude as my barely awake little heart can muster. Slaying negativity bias one conscious thought at a time. 


Full disclosure - I usually do a few more things for my well being in the AM but these 3 are my minimum. If you can only do one my vote is for the water. 


Hope this is helpful and wishing you the BEST mornings forever and always. 




Manifesting 101


Fake it til ya make it