Why is it So Hard To Ask for Help?

Help is not a four letter word. Be open to receiving it. (OK it is a four letter word but whatever)


So the other night I was banging around in the kitchen attempting to drain a stupidly large pot of cooked green beans into a ridiculously too small strainer. All the while I’m muttering a couple “oh for the love of gods” and maybe one “for fuck sake” when my beloved husband yells from the next room “NEED SOME HELP IN THERE??? And of course my first inclination was to bark back “NO!! I’VE GOT IT!!!!”


But instead…I actually took my own advice and paused for a nano second before responding and what actually came out of my mouth was “I don’t NEED help but I would LIKE some”


I’m not gonna lie, at that moment I blew my own little, Agro Cookin - Potentially About to Scald Myself with Piping Hot Bean Water - I Can Do It All My DAMN Selfs little mind.


I don’t have to NEED help to WANT it. To ADMIT that I want it. That my life will be easier/better/less stressy if I just ASK for it. No shame in that game babe.


I know you don’t NEED any help either but sharing this with the intention that we can both be a little less stubborn sometimes (Even though we can TOTALLY do it our own damn selves)


Your Totally Independent Sister in Ballsiness



Manifesting 101