Fake it til ya make it

Are you behaving like the person you say you want to be?

Coming back to this question as often as I can keeps me honest about what I SAY I want to achieve. I used to think that up leveling was something I would experience when I get “there” but the truth is that we need to act like we're dominating that shit NOW. (note - "there" and that shit will be different for all of us)


Ya gotta act as if it's already happened love! How would THAT person behave?


How would the version of you who's already achieved their wildest dreams act? Would they make excuses? Would they hold back from making their voice heard? Would they hide their gift from the world because of feeling it's never good enough? Would they snooze on honoring commitments they made to themselves? 


Hell no and neither will current you. It's not what ballers do.


You woke up this morning babe. Another day, another chance to re-focus and light this mother up. 



Good Morning Sunshine!


Don’t Be Cunty Darling