Recs for Boss Bitches

  • Flodesk

    Design emails people will love and that you will love create. Seriously, if my low tech ass can easily use this so can you. And the number of emails and size of your list is unlimited! Beautiful. Simple. A killer deal. 50% off your 1st year with the link below.

  • Sprout Law

    Nicole founded Sprout Law to help women trademark their brands without getting stressy. Mention Lady Balls and she might tell you about the time we went to yoga together and my pants were on inside out. (but seriously, don’t sleep on trademarking your fab name!)

We’re affiliates of some of the brands listed above so we may get a commission (at no extra charge to you) should you make a purchase. (Winner winner everybody benefits dinner!) Please know that Lady Balls will never recommend something that we have not used and loved ourselves. Happy shopping beautiful!