Move over FOMO, there’s a new OMO in town!

The unparalleled feeling that results from saying NO to things that suck your time, energy and emotions.

I feel like this has been popping up a lot lately.

On social media, in conversations with friends, honestly just rolling around in my own head.

The idea that a LOT of joy can come from things we say NO to.

Think about it…how many times have you said yes to something because everyone else was doing it OR because you felt it was expected of you OR you thought it made you look cool OR insert your own justification here.

How rad would it be if you let yourself off the hook more often!?! Well speaking from experience, pretty incredibly, awesomely, rad.

I double dare you to try it! Because honestly, that meeting COULD have been an email.

One more point.

This goes for things your already in the middle of too! As a recovering perfectionist I KNOW this is a tough one but think about it…

If you already gave your money/time/attention/energy to something that is at best, boring the hell out of you, and at worse, sucking your soul, are gonna keep throwing more money/time/attention/energy at it? No baby! Cut your losses girl.

Walk out of that movie. Change plans in the middle of vacay. Duck out of that Zoom early. Who’s in charge of your life YOU are beauty.

Trust. Embrace JOMO more often and feel the shift.


You’re Doing Fucking Great!


Fail Like a Champion